Leading By Example | Alcor Solutions’ Founder | Monisha Singh

26 Sep, 2019

Leading by Example, Alcor Solutions’ Founder and Principal, Product Development and Strategic Alliances, Monisha Singh believes that there is no substitute to hard work. Her advise to people who are just starting their careers is-follow your dreams, challenge yourself in your daily jobs, work with passion and don’t shy away from hard work and be humble to learn new things every single day.

With a cup of Joe, it was a pleasure to chat with Monisha about her career path, her vision for Alcor and its team members, and her personal goals.

  • Could you tell us about your career path? 

I’m a postgraduate in Microbiology and earned my Business Management degree. Despite the exciting thesis work and variety of paper publications, I decided to not pursue academic career. Instead, I moved into Sales! There was no looking back after that! Soon I moved on to Product Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing and Product Development across various industries including Pharma, Biotech, Healthcare, Clinical Research and IT. Over the years, I began to really enjoy Strategic Marketing and Product Development. I’m proud to say that I launched numerous products in my career.

  • What do you enjoy the most about the Product Development side of your career?

Building customer-centric Product Development Strategies that could bring an innovation to the market – from concept to testing through distribution, improving existing products to invigorate an existing market and creating new products that the market seeks really excites me. The challenging journey – from a concept to a blockbuster product, that not only adds to the company’s bottom line but is also profitable – that is what drives me to work every day.

In my current role at Alcor, I’m responsible for Product Development and Strategic Alliances. In fact, we have launched five new products in the past seven months, and we have many more on our Product Roadmap.

  • How did you get an idea for Alcor?

In my career, I worked for very large organizations and start-ups. Frankly, I enjoyed working for start-ups more, as it gave me more opportunities to work in different aspects of business. The joy of building something from scratch and making it successful started to become my passion. This desire became a reality when I started Alcor.

  • What experiences impacted you and the way you run your business today? 

I have learnt a lot in my 25 years of career, and I continue to learn new things every day. First and foremost, I trust in my team and mentor my team to deliver self-driven high-quality work. We encourage each person in our organization to grow, train, learn and chase their dreams. We truly believe in rewarding high achievers, hard work, integrity and quality. My guiding principal comes from my father who always said, “There is no substitute to hard work”. And I don’t forget to party with my team after their hard work!

  • What is unique about Alcor?

Alcor provides a great environment for our employees to thrive! There are plenty of career development opportunities for our employees to learn and grow into.  At Alcor, we believe in “no-walls”, work–life balance, recognize high achievers and reward Alcor core values of integrity, response, quality and collaboration. In our employee’s success, lies the success of Alcor. We take pride in our Alcorians!

  •  To what do you attribute your company’s success?

Vision, Agility and Team

  • How would you describe you company’s culture?

Working in Alcor is exciting! We create flexible, family-oriented and employee-friendly environment for Alcor team to thrive in. High achievers are recognized and rewarded! Our team members are always supportive and engaging. We focus on diversity and inclusion. Alcor is a highly team motivated environment and we value a lot the individuality within the team.

We work hard to meet our goals and we party hard to celebrate our achievements! In 5 words I would describe our company culture as: talented, driven, dedicated, innovative and collaborative.

Check out the video of Monisha Singh to find out what it takes to be a Founder and Principal of Product Development and Strategic Alliances. Know her more from her team members’ viewing lens.

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