How confident are you that your Cyber Incident Response team can handle the next Crisis?
CISOs face an increasingly complex threat environment. It is critical to have an objective way to measure the company’s Cyber Incident Response (CIR) capability and capacity.
Historically, CIR effectiveness has been measured using arbitrary Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics. Defining KPIs that genuinely reflect CIR performance has been difficult. Metrics like Mean Time to Contain (MTTC) and Mean Time to Respond (MTTR) can be misleading, as even incidents with the same severity can vary drastically in containment times and total time to recover. These measurements are not an indicator of capability and performance.
A more meaningful and objective way to evaluate CIR effectiveness is by benchmarking against recognized industry standards. Frameworks such as NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework, the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2), and the SANS Incident Response Cycle offer consistent methods to assess CIR maturity and resilience. This provides a clear picture of an organization’s readiness and response capabilities.
The Alcor Advantage: Optimize Your Threat Protection
Our experience is that you need an objective, consistent measure of both Operational Response as well as embedded Cyber Resilience. This enables organizations to measure the capability and the gaps in performance across security incidents. “We can discover the maturity and training required by every Associate involved in cybersecurity incident response and improve 25% on operational and resilience score in less than 90 days,” said Thomas Gibson, Alcor Chief Security Officer.
Contact us to find out how we developed the tools and Force Multiplier methods that result in an enduring high performing cyber incident response in our global market leading client across 120 countries in 40,000 locations with more than 50 cyber teams.
To learn more about Alcor’s Enterprise Security Services and and how it can transform your cyber incident response practices, reach out to us at